It's Me!

It's Me!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Goodbye Fall and Hello Winter!!!

Happy Thanksgiving all my friends and family!!
This image is the last for this year, now we welcome snow and Santa. I hope you all had the most thankful Thanksgiving and enjoyed those you love and care for!!
We started the closing on our house here in Lehi and all of us are very excited!! The kids are excited to have a new room, redecorate and play at the huge park right across the street!!! We hope to be in by Christmas and we are crossing our fingers that that will happen. This brings me to the next reason I wanted to get on my blog and keep in a sense my "journal".
I am Thankful for the love I have with my family, the freedom we have, the opportunity to be able to provide a home and all the needs that they acquire, and the knowledge to know that I am blessed for all that I have.
There is so many people who cannot provide and take care of there loved ones or thereselves, I hope and pray for anyone who may be in a hard time that they can find what they need to get them through. I try to remember everyday to be grateful everday for all the small things that I could and sometimes do take for granted.
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless You and Yours!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Family FREEZING Photo's

So yep we finally got them done after all the talking, figuring, contemplating, deciding, schedule adjusting, and clothes deciding we actually got them done!!!

All the kids were fantastic (excuse all the little red noses) they held up well, all smiled like they should (after a couple bribes, threats and promises). It is funny how everybody smiles and looks so happy when we all know if you have ever done family pictures how crazy and sometimes catastrophic Family Picture day can be!

Lucky for us, this time was no different! Although all the kids are getting old enough that they are starting to get it, just going with the flow and makin Mom happy (remember kids Santa is watching)! This is a fun day for me cause now I can make my calendar for 2010!! So off to scrap I go and tell we meet again, smile and make the world smile with you!

p.s. Note to self~ Next time we do pictures they will be in like June so its not so cold!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My little evil family on Halloween

So Jamie went hunting for Halloween this year. Kalie, Derek, Kearra, Kami, Colton and I all got dressed up and went to Casey's party! We went all out this year and had an awesome time. Had a crazy time at the party, went to trunker treat, trick or treated on main street in American Fork and then went Trick or Treating in the neighborhood! Needless to say we ended up with more candy than we know what to do with and then came home and cleaned up our flooded basement!! Now that is the next story!
So after trick or treating we came home to a flooded basement, we rolled up our pants and started cleaning, mopping, plunging, soaking and washing all of our mess up. Well the next morning it happend again!!!! SO we called a plumber and well now it will take a few months of fixing to get it all done. The problem is there is a tree in the back yard that is growing into our pipes underground!! Yes it is growing into our pipes under ground! Stay tuned for more pictures of the mess downstairs and the cleanup to follow!